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Christian Service

Our mission at St. Dominic Savio is to “prepare young men and women to become faith-filled, visionary and inspirational leaders in service to the Church and the world.”  Christ's sacrifice on the cross is our model of how to make good decisions, treat one another with love and respect, and to serve those in need.  More than this, we recognize that Christ is the source of strength and grace for all those created in His image and likeness.  Christ is the perfect human who perfects our humanity.  Our vision for our school is "Forming Servant Leaders in the Image of Christ."  To truly live as a Servant Leader with the heart of Christ is the goal our students, faculty, and staff strive for each day.  We believe that:

With prayerful consideration and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a Servant Leader recognizes and fulfills needs in a loving and selfless manner, and motivates others to act as well.

Whether it is saying hello to one another as they walk down the hall, cleaning up after themselves at lunch, or waking up at 3:00 am to travel downtown to serve  breakfast for the homeless, St. Dominic Savio students are actively seeking to become true servant leaders - with Christ as their model and strength.

Click here for Christian Outreach Service Opportunities

Imago Christi Day - Annual Day of Service

Imago Christi means "in the image of Christ". On Imago Christi Day the entire St. Dominic Savio community sets asides the concerns of the normal academic year to give of themselves in service and reflect on what it means to be a Servant Leader in the Image of Christ. Students and faculty travel to more than 12 service sites around the Austin area to offer more than 1400 hours of service in a single day. Additionally, students may hear from a keynote speaker, participate in community building activities, and spend time in communal prayer during this unique tradition. Typically Imago Christi Day is scheduled during the national celebration of Catholic Schools Week.

Savio Service Program

Christian Service in the Image of Christ

The Savio Service Program is an opportunity to explore the many service and ministry opportunities of the Church and the wider community outside of one's normal circle of friends, family and neighborhood.  The program is comprised both of loving action and prayerful reflection.

 There are several important components to the Savio Service Program including:

The Spirituality of Service

The Savio Service Program is the freely offered gift of one's time, talents, and personality.  We can be Christ for others in many ways.  While some of the agencies where we carry out our ministry are not "Church-related," we consider the student’s contribution to the Savio Service Program in that our faith is the motivation, prayer is the source of our strength, and to serve as Jesus did is our goal.

An Opportunity to Learn

The Savio Service Program is an opportunity to learn and grow in a unique way. Through Christian service, students may discover their personal gifts, values, limitations, and dreams for the future.  Students will learn about people and have their eyes opened to the problems and challenges in our community in ways which cannot be experienced in a classroom.

Freedom to Choose

Students have particular interests as well as gifts and talents.  In order to be a servant leader according to the call God gives, a person should examine his/her own gifts and interests and listen to the Holy Spirit.  Students often enjoy an experience that can be somewhat difficult or challenging, but that is interesting.  In this way, students are stretched beyond their "comfort zone," and the rewards can be great.


Service Hour Requirements

Please refer to the Savio Service Program for more detailed information on service hour requirements. During their Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years, each student is required to have a total of 15 hours of service. These hours must be logged into Mobile Serve by the third Friday in April. Hours entered during the summer will count towards the next year’s requirements. Seniors must complete 15 hours during the Senior Servant Leader Project.

All service must be for a non-profit organization and must meet a need in society. At least 10 of the required 15 hours must be “service to others” while up to five hours may be a “service to Savio”.

Service to Others

At least 10 of the required 15 hours must come from service that benefits the larger society (outside the Savio Community).This would include service that comes from volunteering their time to meet needs in local communities, churches, and/or the worldwide community.

Service to Savio

Up to five hours of the required 15 hours may come from service performed at Savio or for the benefit of Savio groups and clubs (the Savio Community).


During each student’s senior year at Savio, in Theology IV, students will design and implement the Senior Service Project and give a presentation on their experience during the Servant Leader Presentation Night in the spring.

The Senior Project is an opportunity for Savio seniors to perform intentional servant leadership service before graduating from St. Dominic Savio. As members of the Catholic community, Savio seniors complete the Senior Servant Leader Project in order to learn about the greater world and gain life experience in serving others. In Theology IV students use the Catholic Entrepreneurship and Design Experience (CEDE) curriculum, developed by Catholic University of America, to aid in this endeavor. CEDE assists the students by forming a Catholic imagination ordered toward the Incarnation: the creation of things that are True, Good, and Beautiful - things that contribute to the common good and create value in their lives and the people they serve. Students discern their personal vocation, their unique path in the world, and how they can use their own gifts, talents, and interests to create a better world. Through the study of the Catholic understanding of the dignity of work, the importance of virtue, the common good, leadership, and vocation, students will ultimately answer the question, “What does servant leadership look like to me?”


Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God.

~ Micah 6:8

Savio is proud to partner with Catholic Relief Services in the CRS Global High School Program

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I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the glory of God.

~St. Dominic Savio