Engineering and Technology
In 2019, St. Dominic Savio adopted the Engineer Your World STEM Curriculum which offers students the opportunity to earn a college Engineering credit from the University of Texas at Austin. Savio started with the course Engineer Your World 1: Design and Analysis. Then, in the fall of 2020, the course Engineer Your World 2: Engineering Applications of Computer Science was added to the other Robotics and Computer Science courses offered. Students who enroll in Engineer Your World courses develop engineering design skills, internalize engineering habits of mind, and explore the breadth of engineering professions. Students discover how engineering makes a difference in the world while completing hands-on challenges that illustrate how engineers:
• Collaborate to solve complex challenges
• Employ a rigorous and creative design process
• Engage in computational thinking
• Make data-supported design decisions, and
• Develop solutions with customers in mind.
Through the growth of this engaging, meaningful curriculum, Engineer Your World is committed to broadening participation in high school engineering and inspiring the next generation of problem solvers.
Through technical training, problems solving, and teamwork, the goal of the technology department is to teach students use various technologies, adapt to emerging technologies, and be prepared and equipped to confront the challenges we face in the 21st century. Technology has such an impact on our lives, and we strive to prepare students to be conscientious, collaborative, and creative in their use of technology. In our courses, students will:
Understand the scope of technology
Learn computer terminology
Explore emerging technologies and learn how to adapt to new technologies
Understand the ethical and social issues technology creates
Become aware of how technology affects our daily lives and the decisions we make
Explore various technological fields of study
Develop good communication skills, work effectively with a team, adhere to deadlines, and give confident presentations
Develop and foster their creativity through different disciplines within the technology field
engineering and your world
In 2008, the National Science Foundation awarded The University of Texas at Austin $12.5 million to develop innovative solutions for high school engineering education. The cornerstone of this work has been the creation of an exemplary, yearlong engineering curriculum and teacher support program, Engineer Your World. Designed by faculty in the university’s Cockrell School of Engineering and College of Education (both top 10 programs) and in collaboration with NASA engineers and secondary education specialists, Engineer Your World is transforming how the discipline is introduced and taught in high schools across the United States. As a top-ranked center of engineering education and research and a globally recognized leader of innovation, the Cockrell School is committed to expanding access to high-quality engineering education for all students.
Engineer Your World differs from the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) classes that were offered at Savio prior to 2019, in that Engineer Your World is a student-centered curriculum that engages learners in authentic engineering experiences and inspires them to embrace an engineer’s habits of mind. Collaborative, student-directed projects build resilient problem-solving skills and empower students to think like engineers, to adopt engineering processes, and to pursue engineering disciplines for the betterment of our world. This curriculum aligns with St. Dominic Savio’s mission to develop servant leaders in the image of Christ. There are human life and moral dilemma lessons built into the curriculum. Our goal is to develop logical reasoning and problem-solving skills to inspire tomorrow’s leaders.