CRS Partnership
Savio is proud to partner with CRS as a “Global High School”. Motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the CRS Global High School Program provides opportunities for Catholic secondary schools to join with CRS to educate about Catholic social teaching and advocate for solidarity with the global poor. Learn more about the CRS Global High School program.
CRS Global High School Goals
Through the vehicles of prayer, learning, action, and giving, the CRS Global High School Program is created to:
Place the resources of CRS at Catholic secondary schools’ disposal so as to assist schools in forming internationally aware and globally responsive students who live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world
Enhance Catholic identity through the promotion of Catholic Social Teaching.
Build relationships with schools that are based on trust, adaptability, mutuality, and foster cooperative unity.
Celebrate the unique charism and mission of each secondary school by providing tools intentionally created to be adapted based on the desires of the community.
Recognize the outstanding existing work towards global solidarity education already being done in Catholic high schools.
Resource existing programs that educate and advocate for social justice from a global perspective.
Provide tools to engage all of the communities engaged in a school including: administrators, faculty, staff, students, and parents.
Regardless of financial limitations, participation in the Global High School program and access to all supporting resources are made available at no cost to the secondary school.
Help Catholic high schools build their competitive advantage by providing opportunities for global experience.