New Family information
1. My child has been accepted, how does the enrolling process begin?
Once you have been accepted, you should confirm your acceptance by completing the online enrollment form and paying your registration fee. To reserve your space, online enrollment must be completed by due date.
2. Will my child need a placement test?
Readiness Tests are offered in April for enrolled students entering in the fall. Testing is required for students who have taken Algebra I, Geometry, Spanish I, Latin I, or Chinese I and wishes to advance to the Honors level of the next course within the departmental curriculum. Any student wishing to be enrolled in Pre-AP English I is required to take an English writing proficiency test. Please contact Holly Bologna for scheduling information.
3. Do I need to submit Immunization Records, Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis Screens?
Yes! Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the Diocese of Austin must be immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases according to the schedule for schools adopted by the Texas Department of Health. The only acceptable exemption is for medical reasons, which must be documented by a Texas licensed physician. St. Dominic Savio will request a copy of student immunization records, vision screening, hearing screening and scoliosis screening after an enrollment space has been offered and accepted. Additional details on due date and instructions on how to upload health records will be provided upon enrollment. To preview the forms, visit the Parent Resources Tab.
Immunization Record & Additional Forms
4. When is the New Parent / Student Orientation?
All new families are required to attend the New Parent/Student Orientation and Social for the upcoming school year. One parent is asked to attend along with their student. Training will be provided on Renweb, the school management system, and reviewing other new family administrative items. Orientation is held in early April.
The New Student School Orientation is held in August of each year, just prior to the start of school in order to acclimate students. Orientation schedules will be distributed to all registered school families each spring.
5. When will my child make their course selections?
New student course selection will run during the month of May. Additional information regarding scheduling an appointment date/time will follow.
6. What are the technology requirements?
Students are required to purchase a laptop for use during the school day. Please visit our BYOD Program page for details.
For additional questions about school uniforms, textbooks, transportation and more, please visit our Parents tab for more information.