The Theology Department seeks to catechize our students with the official teachings of our Catholic faith in the hope that they would be inspired and better equipped to answer God’s call to be servant-leaders in the image of Christ who evangelizes the world today.
The Theology Department at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School follows the Diocese of Austin in accordance with the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops High School Curriculum. The curriculum is Christocentric in nature, which means each of the courses has a specific focus on Jesus Christ and is composed of a four-year, eight semester catechetical development where each course builds on the foundation of the previous course. Each course will help the maturation of the students in the Catholic faith through unique conversations and experiences.
Theology I
Semester 1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture
Semester 2: Who is Jesus Christ? (Christology)
Theology II
Semester 1: The Paschal Mystery (Soteriology)
Semester 2: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church (Ecclesiology)
Theology III
Semester 1: Sacraments As Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ
Semester 2: Life in Jesus Christ (Christian Morality)
Theology IV
Semester 1: World Religions
Semester 2: Christian Spirituality & Prayer
Our department also offers the following elective courses:
Christian Discipleship & Evangelization
TIM Team
Christian Outreach
Members of the Theology department are actively involved in the activities of the Formation and Ministry program within the school, along with particular deacons and priests who assist in the school.
Mrs. Alanna Heyl, M.Th.
Department Chairperson, Theology IV, Christian Outreach
Sr. Mary Esther Downey, O.P.
Theology III, TIM Team
Mr. Gian Gamboa
Director of Formation and Ministry, TIM Team
Dr. Phi Le, Ph.D.
Theology II, Apologetics
Mr. Bryn Williams, M.A.
Theology I, Christian Discipleship & Evangelization