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Semester Exams - gym is required

Category: Administrative

Date: December 18, 2024

Fall Exam Information 2024-2025

It’s hard to believe that the 1st semester is almost over! Semester exams count for 20% of your semester grade, so please read the following carefully in preparation for exams.

8:15 - 9:25 - Study Hall in C Block
9:25 - 11:25 - C Block Exam
11:25 - 12:25 - Lunch
12:30 - 1:35 - Study Hall in D Block
1:35 - 3:35 - D Block Exam


Q: What is the dress code for Exams?
A: Students may wear uniform or Spirit Wear: 
Savio t-shirts/outerwear
Un-tattered jeans or uniform bottoms (no “shredded” jeans or jeans with excessive wear and tear)
Athletic shoes (closed toed and closed heel)

Q: What if I need to take exams early (or late)?
A: We highly encourage all students to follow the schedule as provided. If you must take exams early or late (ie due to illness), please see Mr. Vu.

Q: Do all of my classes have exams?
A: Typically, your core classes will have required exams. These include: English, Math, Science, Social Science, Theology, and World Language. Some electives might have exams. Your teacher will let you know.

Q: What if I have an exam only in the first block of the day?
A: You may leave at 11:25.

Q: What if I have an exam only in the second block of the day?
A: You may arrive at 12:30 (a few minutes early is best).

Q: What if I need to stay on campus instead of arriving late or leaving early?
A: You may check in at your assigned class and then get a pass to the SSC.

Q: What do I do about testing accommodations?
A: Mrs. McLaughlin will be in touch with instructions

Savio Gym